CCF Tea: Your Easy Way to a Healthier Life
One of the most effective natural medications is the one that can help people increase or enhance their health in many more ways than one, which is the CCF tea.
Health, fitness, and nutrition experts claim to consider Ayurveda as the "Indian sister science of yoga." For them, it is a conventional system not just of medicine but of nutrition as well, offering one natural remedies for common illnesses.
Of these natural medications, there is a specific option known as a balance for all Ayurvedic kinds, also known as "Doshas" that can help people increase or enhance their health in many more ways than one, which is the CCF tea.
Short for "cumin, coriander, and fennel," the CCF tea blends together the said three seeds to come up with a mixture to help an individual improve his digestion and lessen persistent symptoms.
The tea also helps one balance his blood sugar and lessen inflammation or infections in the body. Separately, each of the three seeds or ingredients shows numerous favorable health benefits.
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One Tea, too Many Benefits
Cumin, for one, is rich in antioxidants. It has been seen to contain antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties.
Aside from the benefits mentioned, results from some researchers have suggested that "the active compounds" cumin can help control and manage blood and cholesterol levels. And as it functions to produce the said positive results, cumin also helps aid weight loss.
In the United States, coriander is, in fact, also called "cilantro." However, the seeds coming from this type of plant are the ones used to make CCF tea.
Essentially, coriander seeds are rich in illness-combating antioxidants, too. They have also been popular for helping lower levels of blood sugar, enhance heart health, and even boast of owning protective advantages for one's brain and memory.
Other exciting research showed that coriander seed extract lowered infection and lessened the development of lung, colon, and breast cancers.
Meanwhile, fennel seeds, the last but not the least of the ingredients in the CCF mixture, also consist of potent antioxidants and rich content of nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium-all essential for maintaining a healthy body.
Aside from the reduction of inflammation, fennel seeds also help control one's appetite and improve symptoms of menopause such as sleep disorders, hot flashes, "and pain during sex," studies indicate.
DON'T MISS THIS: 5 Benefits of Fennel Seeds
Most Popular Digestive Stimulant
Diet and nutrition experts and aficionados have claimed, the most impressive thing about CCF is that they all function for the improvement of digestion.
In Ayurveda, this type of tea is said to be the most popular digestive stimulant for the reduction of gas and bloating, infection in the gastrointestinal tract, and enhances removal and gut bacteria.
Consequently, CCF tea is the best beverage to sip through to tame a disrupted tummy. Making CCF tea is very simple.
In a recipe shared on the website of Kripalu Ayurvedic Center, to make the tea, one can just combine a half-teaspoon of cumin seeds, half-teaspoon of coriander seeds, and a half-teaspoon of fennel seeds.
All an individual has to do is add the CCF concoction to four cups of boiling water. Keep it boiling for ten minutes then, and it's ready for all-day sipping.
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