Proven Tips to Sleep Better at Night
Scientific research has made it clear that sleep is essential to maintain proper bodily functions. The lack of sleep can drain your mental abilities and lead to a number of health problems.
According to the National Sleep Foundation guidelines, there is a guideline on how much is the recommended hour of sleep across age groups.
If you want to optimize your health, start prioritizing your sleep schedule.

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Improve Your Sleep by Making It a Priority
Know your schedule so that work and social activities do not interfere with your sleep. Some sleep hygiene improvements include:
1. Sticking to the same sleep and wake schedule daily, even on weekends.
Your body's circadian rhythm functions on a scheduled loop. By being consistent with a schedule, it will benefit your long-term sleep quality.
2. Reduce blue light exposure at night.
Blue light, commonly found on electronic devices like smartphones and computers, emit this in large amounts. This blue light tricks your body into thinking it's still daytime. This limits the production of melatonin, the hormone that helps you relax and get deep sleep.
Limit the use of electronic devices at least 2 hours before bedtime.
3. Avoid caffeinated drinks 6 hours before bed
Caffeine can stay in your blood for 6-8 hours which can affect your sleep quality.
4. Set an ideal room temperature
17-19 degrees is the ideal temperature for sleeping, according to Professor Dorothy Bruck, chair of the Sleep Health Foundation and sleep psychologist.
5. Reduce daytime or irregular naps
While power naps are beneficial, regular napping can disrupt the internal body clock and affect sleep quality.
6. Avoid drinking alcohol
Although alcohol may seem to allow you to fall asleep quicker, it reduces the rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. There is a more disruptive sleep happening in the second half of the night.
7. Refrain from consuming a large meal before bedtime
It is best to have dinner at least 3 hours before bedtime to allow the body to properly digest food and prepare for sleep. Eating a large meal may disrupt the body's natural release of melatonin.
8. Relax and clear your mind
Engage in relaxing activities prior to bed. This may include listening to soothing music, reading books, taking a hot bath, yoga, and deep breathing. Some studies show that taking a bath 90 minutes before bedtime can help you fall asleep.
9. Invest in a comfortable bed, mattress, and pillow
Good bedding is subjective. However, studies show that quality bedding can enhance sleep and decrease lower back pain, making you sleep better.
10. Incorporate exercise as part of your daily activity
Exercising in the day improves overall health and sleep condition. Studies show that exercise can half the amount of time it takes to fall asleep and adding at least 41 minutes of sleep at night. Avoid exercise before bedtime as it can release hormones like epinephrine and norepinephrine--stimulatory hormones--which increase alertness.
In Conclusion
Sleep plays a key role in health and overall well-being. The recommended hours of sleep are 6-7 hours each night. The lack of it may increase your risk of developing different types of health problems.
If you're still having trouble sleeping, it is best to see a doctor and don't allow this to linger.
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