5 Things You Should Have in Stock in Preparation for the Cold and Flu Season

Fever is one of the surest signs that your body is combatting foreign invaders, and to fight the heat, an expert recommends an over-the-counter drug.
You've heard it countless times, but certainly, it's worth hearing again: Get vaccinated as this is one of the best defenses when combating the flu.
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended getting the influenza vaccine before end-October to guarantee our protection before "infections reach their peak" from December until February.
Along with this recommendation from the CDC to get the vaccine, it is important too, to list down the essentials to be prepared for the cold and flu season.
You don't need to have a long list of your things to buy. Neither do you heed a huge amount to make sure you have everything in stock.
Below are 5 of what family doctor Nicholas Pantaleo, MD, an infectious disease specialist Pedro Miedra, MD recommend stocking at home.
Each of the medical experts' choices will either keep us away from germs or help alleviate symptoms should you get sick.
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1. Disinfecting Spray or Wipes
Earlier this year, the US Environmental Protection Agency or EPA issued an authorized list of disinfectant sprays and wipes that have all proven to kill COVID-19.
According to Dr. Pantaleo, these products need to be equally efficient at fighting against "potential cold and flu culprits."
Among the brands included in the list are Clorox, Microban, and Lysol. They are the products guaranteed to kill bacteria and viruses provided that they are used properly.
Dr. Pantaleo added, "To keep germs at bay," have your office or home's high-traffic areas disinfected, and constantly wipe handrails and doorknobs.
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2. Never Run Out of Face Masks
Many of the same approaches currently being used to slow and even stop the spread of COVID-19 will also be advantageous to controlling cases of flu and cold, according to Dr. Peidra.
The doctor explains too, that such approaches also include wearing mask when outdoors or in close contact with other people.
If you don't have enough face masks at home, the CDC recommends that you stock up on several more before the flu and cold season comes.
3. Pop Some Lozenges
It is essential to listen to your body and observe for possible symptoms of cold or flu. First, so that you can call your doctor if needed and next, so you can begin treatment the soonest possible when necessary.
According to research which the JRSM Open journal published, if you begin popping some lozenges, particularly zinc lozenge when the first symptoms of cold arise, you are likely to lessen the duration by "as much as 40 percent."
4. Cough Drops
Coughing is an evident flu or cold symptom, or even a COVID-19 case and this is essential to note. Therefore, you should grab a couple of bags of cough drops to help you calm your coughs. According to Dr. Pantaleo, "Sucking menthol- or peppermint-infused varieties can calm or relax a sore throat."
5. Medications that Help Reduce Fever
Fever is one of the surest signs that your body is combatting foreign invaders. To fight the heat, Dr. Pantaleo recommends that you try an over-the-counter drug.
Look for acetaminophen to help you reduce fever. Ibuprofen will also help with fever and body aches. However, if you are suffering from gastric ulcers, you might experience an upset stomach with ibuprofen. Therefore, Dr. Pantaleo advised, stick to acetaminophen which is "less of a stomach irritant."
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