5 Tips to Boost Your Immune System
Other than having your mouth and nose covered when you sneeze, doing the 20-minute or even more, hand-washing, and eating healthy foods, there are more ways to boost the immune system in a natural way. If you want to guarantee improved immune health, you may want to help your body combat diseases.
While strengthening your immunity is easier said than done, numerous dietary and lifestyle changes may reinforce the natural defenses of the body and help combat harmful pathogens or infection-causing organisms.
Unfortunately, there are no supplements or lifestyle change other than physical distancing can keep you shielded from the now-spreading COVID-19 that has claimed more than a million lives worldwide.
However, there are many natural ways you can try to lessen your chance of contracting the virus, not to mention, keep your immune system healthy. Here are 5 of them:
ALSO READ: 3 Best Immunity-Boosting Fruits and Veggies

According to a Poland-based Jagiellonian University study, garlic is an antibacterial agent and immune booster.
1. Eat Lots of Garlic
If you're thinking about your breath, worry no more. In fact, according to a Poland-based Jagiellonian University study, garlic is an antibacterial agent and immune booster.
One thing you should remember is that heat deactivates its supporting powers for immunes. Therefore, if you are cooking with garlic, add it in before you serve the dish or try putting some in a cold dressing for the salad.
2. Eat Whole Plant Foods Often
Fruits, nuts, seeds, vegetables, and legumes are all whole plant foods filled with antioxidants and nutrients that may offer you an upper hand against damaging pathogens.
The antioxidants of these foods have helped reduce inflammation by fighting off unstable compounds, also known as free radicals, leading to inflammation when they accumulate in the body at high levels.
More so, as mentioned, fruits and vegetables are full of nutrients such as vitamin C, which may decrease the length or period of common colds.
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3. Exercise Regularly
Regular exercises like a 30-minute walk, for one, are vital to the functioning of our immune system. Experts say the increased physical movement of workout can help the immune system's cells circulate faster.
Furthermore, frequent workouts may help one get better sleep too, which can keep you healthier, too. Just remember not to overdo your exercise, especially when you're not feeling so well.
4. Limit Your Intake of Sugary Foods and Beverages
The developing study proposes that added sugars, as well as refined carbs, may lead to becoming overweight and obese. Likewise, obesity may increase your risk of falling ill.
Based on an observational study in roughly 1,000 individuals, those who are obese, who were given the flu vaccine, were twice as likely to develop still flu than those who were not obese but were also given the vaccine.
Cutting down on sugary food can reduce inflammation and help you lose weight and, thus, reduce the risk of chronic health conditions too, such as type 2 diabetes and heart ailment.
5. Keep Yourself Hydrated
According to health experts, hydration does not essentially shield you from germs and viruses, although preventing dehydration is vital to your health in general.
Dehydration can lead to headaches and hinder you from performing physical performance and focusing. It can also affect your mood, digestion, kidney, and heart.
To avoid dehydration, drink an adequate amount of fluid every day for your urine to stay pale yellow. Experts recommend water as it does not contain calories, sugar, and additives.
Tea and juice are also fluids and may also be considered hydrating, but it will be better to limit your intake of sweetened tea and fruit juices because they have high sugar content.
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