Gluten Ataxia: The Link of Bread To Clumsiness, Dizzy Spells, and Loss of Balance
For breakfast, lunch, and dinner, bread might be your go-to food because it offers various nutrients, and it is very accessible. It compliments many other foods like pasta, stuffing for turkey, and offers different tastes depending on the spread you put to it. Enjoy it with fruits and honey or put your guacamole over it and enjoy it savory. Nothing beats bread; you can't go wrong with it.
But did you know that this 'holy grail' affects your balance, and maybe the reason why you are clumsy? Surprising as it may seem, there is a condition that links your balance and bread, which is quite heavy to take in if you are one of the people who lives for it. The condition is called Gluten Ataxia.

What is Gluten, Ataxia?
According to Medical News Today, gluten ataxia is an autoimmune disorder that makes the antibodies be released when digesting gluten, making them attack part of the brain. Beyond Celiac, ataxia is a symptom in many conditions that affect the nervous system. It causes clumsiness or loss of balance and coordination that is not due to muscle weakness. added that imbalance and clumsiness might not be the most common symptoms of the nervous system related condition, but according to them, it is one of the most researched areas. They added that some experts are claiming that the most common disorder produced by gluten is ataxia. Daily Mail said that removing gluten or diving into a gluten-free diet can reverse the symptoms when the condition is diagnosed early. However, they added that severe cases could cause permanent brain damage when left untreated severe cases, leading to life-long disability.
In an interview with Daily Mail, Professor Hadjivassiliou, who established the Sheffield Ataxia Center, said that in 80 percent of cases, the gluten-free diet has significantly reduced the symptoms. Still, he added that the problem is that the patients have been referred to his clinic as a last resort. He added that gluten ataxia destroys the cerebellum cells, which, according to Very Well Health, is responsible for organizing voluntary movements and motor skills like balance, coordination, and posture.
Symptoms and Treatments
According to Daily Mail, Professor Hadjivassiliou said that he has been encouraging physicians to consider gluten sensitivity when diagnosing patients with balance problems for many years now. Medical News Today mentioned that this condition's symptoms might start mild and almost unnoticed because it is a progressive condition. They added that the disease's manifestations might include problems with general movement, issues with coordination, difficulty in talking, and vision issues. Very Well Health added that treatment of the condition includes removal of gluten in the diet. It is essential because the gluten, once digested, will trigger the immune cells to attack a part of the brain, which will affect your movement. Daily Mail added that experts note the importance of medical experts' opinion when cutting gluten if they suspect themselves from having the condition before a total removal of gluten in their diet.
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