How to Fix Neck and Shoulder Pain

Our bodies are like well-oiled machines. When we consume the right foods and get in the right amount of physical activity, optimal performance is guaranteed. However, since our lives are full of different variables, the body doesn't always function properly. With age, our bodies may even become more susceptible to breaking down. The implications of this could lead to you experiencing pain in your neck and shoulder.
You can alleviate neck and shoulder pain with regular physiotherapy clinic treatments. In addition, several techniques and home remedies can also help you to ease the pain. Keep these treatment options in mind if you are experiencing pain in your neck or shoulder:
1. Pain Relievers
You've probably seen the pain reliever commercials on TV at least once a week. What may come as a surprise to some is that these medicinal products usually work as advertised. Pain relievers bought at your general market can assist with pain in numerous ways. This can provide you with relief in an almost instantaneous way.
Generally speaking, you should only consume the applicable amount as directed by the product label. If you think that a dosage isn't enough, always consult your health care specialist, such as your doctor. However, for the vast majority of individuals, pain emanating from the neck and shoulders can be fixed!
2. Posture Correction
Working in an office environment of some kind will see us sitting down for large portions of the day. This means that you'll generally be fixing your body's position, in order to find that one sweet spot. Over time, this may lead to you not being aware of just exactly how you are positioned.
For example, if your upper body is hunched over at a desk, you'll inevitably experience aches in this area. A simple way to diagnose the issue comes from fixing your posture. Sit upright as much as you can, and do not slump forward while you are working. That way, your body will remain in an optimal, natural position.
3. Massage
As mentioned previously, growing older in age can leave us vulnerable to bodily damage. Our joints won't work as well, and the amount of neck and shoulder pain experienced increases. To rectify this, you'll need to find some way to stimulate the blood flow in your muscles physically. Massages are one of the best techniques to utilize in this scenario.
Qualified physiotherapists can perform massages to alleviate the pain. Certain points in your body require a jolt to spark the recovery process. Massages conducted on your neck and shoulders are the best therapeutic way to get to this point in recovery.
4. Exercising
Physical activity can be a double-edged sword, as it pertains to keeping our bodies in good shape. Although it is needed to keep us healthy, overexertion can lead to our bodies breaking down faster. Moreover, the pain and soreness we feel in certain areas will only exacerbate.
A good rule of thumb is always to add a warm-up and cool-down set of exercises to your routine. This allows you to not only conduct active rest, but force the body to adjust to this level of exertion. Afterwards, you'll be able to optimize performance for the rest of the day!
5. Ice and Heat Compresses
After a hard day of work, we may feel out of it physically and mentally. Certain bodily areas may experience more aches than others. If the neck and shoulder areas are the usual suspects in this light, make sure to use ice and heat compresses. Start with first applying an ice-based compress on your upper body.
The cooling effect of this pad stimulates blood flow while also mitigating any potential swelling. Afterwards, it would help if you also used a heat compress later to continue the recovery process. Heat further stimulates blood flow to the muscles, which benefits the body as a whole.
6. Looking at Your Phone
We will always glance down at our phones at some point in our day, which puts our necks in an awkward position. Don't keep this position for too long, as it could be harmful to the muscles inside. Stretch your neck from side to side habitually to keep it in an ideal state.
7. Getting Enough Sleep
Recovery can only go so far in mitigating the pain we feel in our necks and shoulders. To accelerate the time you can heal, get in a good night's worth of sleep! Always try to aim for at least eight hours each night. With enough rest behind you, coupled with the right treatment options, you will reduce neck and shoulder pain comprehensively.
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