80 Pct Young Americans Single On Valentine's Day

Don't have a date this Valentine's Day? If you're between the ages of 15 and 25, you're part of the majority. A new survey reveals that eight out of ten Americans 25 and younger are spending Feb.14 alone this year.
The latest survey of 3,485 participants, between the ages of 15 and 25, reveals that 80 percent of Americans in this age group are single. However, more than half of survey respondents admit to going on dates without the intention of getting into a relationship.
The survey also revealed that single young adults are looking for love, with 30 percent looking for love online and 10 percent planning to sign up for online dating.
Researchers surveyed young people from 13 different countries including Brazil, France, India, and Russia. They found that on average Americans experience their first French kiss just before they turn 15, Brazilians at 13 and Indians at 19.
Researchers also found that the average American has kissed seven different people by the time they turn 25.
Americans also lose their virginity earlier than the worldwide population with the average American losing their virginity at the age of 16 years and five months.
"Contrary to what people tend to think, these ages are not that different from previous youth generations," researcher Joeri Van den Bergh said in a press release.
"Both the first sexual experience age and the time elapsing between the first kiss and the first bed experience - generally about two years - remains constant throughout the generations."
However, the study reveals that one that that has changed in young love is the use of technology. The finings revealed that more than 38 percent of people between the ages of 15 and 25 have sent a naked picture of themselves to someone else, and 25 percent have made a home sex video.
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