Seniors can overcome Stress and Fear of Death by Listening to Religious Music: Study

Listening to religious music and hymns can help seniors overcome fear of death and increase self-esteem and satisfaction, according to a study.
Studies in the past have found that reciting songs can sharpen cognitive skills in those suffering from mild and severe dementia or age induced memory loss. Experts from many reputed universities in the U.S. noted visible positive impacts of listening religious hymns on the mental health of seniors. For the study, they used data from the Religion, Aging and Health Survey conducted between 2001 and 2004 involving 1024 people, aged 65 on average.
The participants included were people from different ethnic and socio-economic status. Some were followers of Christianity while others were didn't practice the religion anymore. Participants also included those who did not have any belief in region. Their religious inclination was noted using a scale that measured the number of times they listening to religious and gospel music ranging from "never" to "several times a day". In addition, the respondents were interviewed about their sense of security, self- sufficiency and control with statements like I find it hard to face up to the fact that I will die," "These are the best years of my life," "I take a positive attitude toward myself," and "I have a lot of influence over most things that happen in my life."
Their findings revealed frequency of listening to gospel music was directly associated in bringing down stress and anxiety about death and also inducing a feeling of self-control. In addition, the study observed overall psychological improvements that were consistent among respondents of all ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds.
"Religion is an important socio-emotional resource that has been linked with desirable mental health outcomes among older U.S. adults," the authors stated in a press release. "This study shows that listening to religious music may promote psychological well-being in later life."
According to a recent report by the Gall Up Well-Being , religious Americans are happier and healthier than their non -religious counterparts. A few religious practices frown upon unhealthy lifestyle habits like smoking and drinking and also suggest banning of unhealthy food, thereby resulting in significantly reducing expenditure on health care.
The authors believe these findings help increase awareness on the growing incidence of mental health and cognitive decline in seniors and promote their indulgence in religious activities and songs.
More information is available online in the journal the Gerontologist.
Apr 21, 2014 07:42 AM EDT