5 Surprising Ways Your Health Is Affected by Your Finances

Do you find yourself often worrying about money? If so, you're not alone. A number of people suffer from financial stress and it affects almost every aspect of their lives, from their job performance, to their ability to be happy, and even to their overall health and well-being.
If you are burdened by poor finances and debt, it may feel overwhelming and like there's no way out. But that's not actually the case. Help is available: consider receiving Credit Canada debt assistance from a non-profit organization that specializes in debt relief in Canada. They'll be able to assess your financial situation and offer you advice to get your finances in order.
Getting debt relief is more important than you think. Here are five ways financial stress can affect your health.
1. Poor Mental Health
It goes without saying that if you're stressed, the first thing that will be affected is your mental health. Money problems can put you on a path towards anxiety and depression, which in turn has a negative impact on the rest of your life.
Your mental health isn't something you should take for granted. Put too much stress on yourself, and you could risk ending up with a chronic mental health condition.
2. Poor Physical Health
Stress can have a number of negative physical effects, like:
Headaches and migraines
Heart disease
Sleep issues
Chronic pain
Stomach issues
Weakened immune system
Fertility problems
The longer you're stressed, the more problematic it becomes - that's why it's important to do something about it sooner than later.
3. Poor Eating Habits
If you're short on cash you might be tempted to eat cheap and unhealthy food. You may resort to items that aren't very nutritious, like cup noodles, Kraft Dinner, pasta, pizza, and fast food options. Poor eating habits can lead to poor health and a lack of energy, which in turn can also affect your mood.
4. Poor Coping Behaviours
During times of stress people try to find ways to gain relief, even if it's only temporary. Some people will overeat while others might get lost in a hobby like playing video games. Then there are the ones who develop really bad habits like smoking, drinking, or even drug abuse.
5. Poor Family Relations
Financial stress puts a huge burden on the whole family. Couples tend to fight more and if there are children in the picture, they will inevitably feel the tension at home and share the worries that you have. If you need to ask for money from extended family, this can also put strain on relations. It's not a great feeling to have money come in between you and the ones you love.
Coping with Financial Stress
If money problems are beginning to seriously impact your life, then it's time to make a change. Start by getting help with your debt - as you take back control of your finances, you'll find yourself feeling better over time. Also take the time to develop some stress-relieving habits. Exercise, eat healthy, and surround yourself with loved ones. They'll be able to see you through the tough times ahead.
May 04, 2020 12:03 PM EDT