Latest Antibody Test Trials Showcase Neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 in Hamsters

A recent antibody test study has paved way for identifying neutralizing antibodies, which can be a powerful aid against SARS-CoV-2.
A team of scientists from Scripps Research has yielded positive results in their study on the highly powerful antibodies. These antibodies all came from patients who all tested positive for the coronavirus in San Diego.
Their Answer For the Race To Respond During the Pandemic
Co-senior author Dennis Burton said that the said cloned antibodies or monoclonal antibodies were potent on animal trials. They are keeping their fingers crossed to fully move forward with human testings some time next year.
"The discovery of these very potent antibodies represents an extremely rapid response to a totally new pathogen," Burton elaborated.
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In essence, the administration of the antibodies is at best during early stages of infection. This will also serve to hinder growth of the virus and in order to guard the subject against harm from other serious types of illnesses.
The antibodies have the potential to provide increased protection for doctors, nurses, and other frontline workers. The discovery would also benefit those who have been recently exposed and the more vulnerable ones, like the elderly and those with underlying conditions.
The researchers also said that they will be aiming able to mass-produce the antibodies, which can be administered both to treat and prevent the disease. The research took less than seven weeks before this discovery.
Co-author Elis Landais explained how they went about the study at a fast pace. "We leveraged our institution's decades of expertise in antibody isolation and quickly pivoted our focus to SARS-CoV-2 to identify these highly potent antibodies," said Landais.
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How the Test Was Done
The researchers managed to identify several antibody producing B cells that blocked the SARS-CoV-2 during test trials with hamsters. All the hamsters were guaranteed protected against lung viral replication as well as weight loss afterward.
From a medical standpoint, using antibodies from survivors is an old technique that was successful during the Ebola and RSV health campaign.
Some US Adults Have the Antibody
A related study from Idaho has shown that a high percentage of adults in the U.S. apparently have the antobody. The preliminary studies showed that 23 percent of adults already have it, with a statistic high of 35 percent from Ketchum.
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Ketchum Mayor Neil Bradshaw expressed his gratitude to the 900 participants: "I am grateful to all those that signed up for this study," he said. "Our valley is certainly doing its part to help further the understanding of the Coronavirus. There is no doubt that COVID-19 hit us hard. Our recovery is testament to the health and safe practices of our community."
Jun 18, 2020 07:59 AM EDT