Young People in the US Are Increasingly Contracting COVID-19

CNN recently reported that a significant thrust of new COVID-19 cases is in the United States, particularly in the South and West. These, the media outlet also said, are the areas where officials are saying more young people ignore social distance and test positive with the virus.
As a result, more young individuals are more possibly to experience milder outcomes from COVID-19. However, they can still spread the virus to others who are more susceptible.
On Twitter, former US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director, Dr. Tom Frieden said, with recent infections affecting younger people in certain places like Florida for one, "Expect a lower mortality rate in this wave," until people aged 20 to 40 years who are infected by the virus today continue spreading the virus to others.
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High Number of Young People Who Test Positive, Not Surprising
The country's top infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci said, recently reported a high number of COVID-19 cases in young people is no longer surprising. And, like Frieden, the health expert also cautioned about what lies ahead.
"They get infected first, then they come home, and then they infect the older people. The older people get the complications, and then they go to the hospitals," Fauci said. "The death rate always lags several weeks behind the infection rate."
Specifically, Fauci explained, the focus on young patients who test positive with COVID-19 comes as almost 50 percent of states have reported an increase in new positive cases and, according to reports, "some continue to break records" in their daily report of new cases.
On Monday, the Florida Department of Health reported it exceeded 100,000 total cases of COVID-19. Meanwhile, in California, according to Gov. Gavin Newsom, over 35 percent of confirmed cases have been reported only in the past couple of weeks.
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Pandemic not Showing Signs of Weakening in the US
The rises focus on the systematic failure of the country to contain the pandemic, a sharp difference from its trajectory in Asia and Europe.
Based on this difference, the COVID-19 cases severely increased early this year were attained with aggressive initiatives to prevent its spread, and have since, swiftly dropped.
Furthermore, in the US, the first wave of the virus is not over. In fact, reports said, COVID-19 cases "just took a small dip," and are currently rising a few months after this public health crisis hit the country.
The pandemic, according to the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy head, Michael Osterholm, is not showing signs either of weakening in the country. He added he thinks, and it appears "more like a forest fire."
Osterholm added, he does not think the pandemic will slow down. Instead, he explained, he thinks anywhere where there is wood to burn, the fire then, is definitely "going to burn" and at present, he continued, there are lots of vulnerable people.
At the moment, the health expert elaborated, he does not see the crisis slowing down through the hot season or into the fall. He does not think either that there's going to be "one, two or three waves."
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Jun 23, 2020 09:28 AM EDT