5 Benefits of Fennel Seeds

There are many health benefits of fennel seeds. Aside from being guaranteed effective home remedies for different health conditions, you'll find a long list of advantages these seeds can offer, not to mention the many different ways to use them.
If you're familiar with Indian cooking, you surely know that fennel seeds are more often than not, a common part of any Indian kitchen. They are typically consumed after meal "as a mouth and breath freshener."
Because of their refreshing and cooling tasted, many people add the seeds to various dishes and beverages. They are great additions to foods, too, if you prefer the strong-flavored taste.
Benefits Fennel Seeds Can Give
Also known as "saunf," fennel seeds have become a part of most Indians' "after-meal practice" to freshen their breath and mouth.
But more than this, they have many other benefits any individual, Indian or not, can get from consuming them. They are also excellent sources of Calcium, Copper, Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Vitamin C, Potassium, Magnesium, and Selenium.
And for those who have problems with their blood pressure, fennel seeds are great contributors, too, as they regulate blood pressure. They are advantageous for water retention also, and provide a lot of nutrients, making them worth having in the kitchen.
If the said nutrients and other benefits have not convinced you enough that fennel seeds are indeed, beneficial, below are 5 of the many reasons why these seeds are worthy of having in the kitchen-permanently.
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1. Reduce Water Retention
Consuming the fennel seeds in the form of tea will help reduce water retention. According to studies, drinking the beverage regularly will help "flush out excess liquids." as the function of the seed "as a diuretic." Additionally, these seeds help take out toxins and lessen the danger of urinary tract conditions.
2. Blood Pressure Regulator
Based on the study Journal of Food Science published, it was found that "chewing on fennel seeds" would help increase saliva's nitrate content, making it a great chemical-free way to monitor levels of blood pressure.
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Aside from this, "saunf" is an excellent source of potassium too, which is a vital element of body fluids and cells, and helps regulate not just blood pressure but heart rate, as well.
3. Fennel Seeds Help Address Bloating, Constipation and Indigestion
Fennel seeds, in the form of tea, are regarded as helpful and great contributors when it comes to dealing with constipation, bloating, and indigestion because of the oils they contain.
Specifically, these seeds have "fenchone, estragole and anethole," contributing to the plant's antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties.
Meanwhile, for individuals suffering from IBS, the oils which the fennel seeds have can help with the digestive problem by "promoting the gastric enzymes' production."
4. For the Improvement of Eyesight
Believe it or not, but these seeds can do wonders for one's eyesight, too! These seeds are rich in Vitamin A, which is essential to improve vision. Studies have it that in olden India, these seeds' extracts were used to treat "symptoms of glaucoma."
5. Ideal for Acne Treatment
For those who have tried this for skin improvement, they said, eating fennel seeds regularly would provide the body with essential minerals such as selenium, zinc, and calcium.
Such minerals are beneficial to achieve balanced hormones, not to mention, help attain balanced oxygen. When eaten, fennel seeds provide a cooling effect on the skin, therefore, resulting in "healthy glowing skin."
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Jun 23, 2020 10:00 AM EDT