5 Reasons Why Weight Loss is Such a Struggle

Experts may have many different reasons to give why, despite all the efforts, one still hasn’t lost weight.
Do you ever wonder why it's so hard for you to lose weight? This has been a problem most people (if not all) experience on many different occasions.
Other than the obvious that food is undeniably delicious, regularly working out is yet another challenge, not to mention the time that's too short.
Indeed, many people are struggling to lose weight and frequently search for reasons why they cannot achieve their desired size and weight
Search no more because some experts have the answers for you. They say your failure to lose weight despite all the efforts "lies within your eating habits."
Experts also say you could be eating too much after every workout, at a time when you crave calories because you are starving.
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Here are 5 of the Reasons for Your Not-So-Effective Weight Loss Efforts
Experts may have many different reasons to give you why, despite all the efforts, you still haven't lost weight. Here are 5 of the best answers you can get:
1. You Overeat After Every Exercise
According to Harvard University obesity expert, Dr. David Ludwig, physical activity may have a lot of benefits like boosting motivation to eat well and enhancing muscle mass.
However, Ludwig, also a renowned endocrinologist added, reducing body weight is not usually a part of the benefits.
The reason workout does not result in substantial weight loss is because of the fact that "physical activity" makes you hungrier, so you tend to compensate by consuming more food.
2. You Don't Keep Track of Your Food Consumption
Obesity expert and Tuscon Bariatric bariatric surgeon, Matthew Weiner MD says, it "is human nature to judge oneself favorably" avoiding or underestimating bad decisions and putting emphasis on the good ones.
Meaning, you are likely "to pat yourself on the back" for eating light one day, as you overlook the fact that you ate two bowls of sweets for dessert.
If you keep track of your caloric intake in a more tangible manner, like the ones you see on mobile apps today, it will help you become more accountable and stop being bias to yourself.
3. Your Cardio Workout May Not be Intense Enough
Dr. Weiner explains, if you choose to walk to lose weight, you need to do it between 10 and 12 miles each day. Walking a mile or two as most people do may be good in countless ways, but if you are serious about weight loss, it's not one of them.
To achieve your goal for weight loss, choose physical activities that will boost your heart rate. Such activities include cycling, CrossFit, and other high-intensity exercises that maximize cardio.
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4. You Consume Sugary Drinks
Experts say drinking one can of soda every day is definitely not going to help you lose weight. They also recommend that if you are hungry and you eat a piece of cookie, you will undoubtedly feel less hungry and thus eat less on your next meal.
However, drinking about 150 calories won't affect your hunger at all. Consequently, drinking soda will still let you eat a regular meal. Meaning, you just added extra 150 calories to your regular meal intake against splurging on the cookie.
5. You Lack Sleep
Sleep experts say those working on the night shift are at higher risk of gaining, instead of losing weight. The disturbance to your circadian sleep can result in weight gain.
More so, going back and forth between night and day shift is the worst of all. Dr. Weiner added it is just an endless disruption to a somewhat "healthy, normal sleep-wake pattern."
For instance, a study the International Journal of Obesity published in 2019, investigated weight loss for 12 consecutive months in almost 2,000 participants and discovered that participants who had less inconsistency in their sleep patterns were more likely to succeed in their efforts to lose weight.
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Check out more news and information on Diet Trends and Weight Loss on MD News Daily.
Sep 03, 2020 09:40 AM EDT