5 Health Conditions You can Avoid by Drinking Water

Aside from the primary benefits you get like nice skin and hair, it has become more obvious that drinking water can help one avoid different illnesses.
How much water do you drink every day? Everyone knows that the human body needs water to last all day. Unfortunately, many people still don't get to drink an adequate amount of water due to different reasons.
One of these reasons is the lack of or insufficient supply of clean drinking water. According to CBS News, a new report which non-profit Environmental Working Group and Northeastern University made showed people in almost every US state are "exposed to unhealthy drinking water."
The researchers said that about 43 states have locations that include drinking water sites polluted with PFAS chemicals.
Meanwhile, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that the said chemicals had been associated with health conditions, including infertility, cancers, and congenital disabilities.
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Drink Water to Avoid These Illnesses
Now you know that drinking water will help you last all day feeling healthy and strong, you should always remember that your health depends on your water intake in many different ways.
Aside from the primary benefits you get like nice skin and hair, it has become more obvious that drinking water can help one avoid different illnesses.
As a result, it is critical to emphasize hydration more. With different health conditions, many experts say water can indeed be "a miracle worker."
Here are Five of the Ailments Regularly Drinking of Water Can Aid:
1. Osteoporosis
If you really want to stop osteoporosis from occurring, you should take calcium and vitamin D every day. Certainly, it is essential to drink water regularly, too.
And when drinking water, opt for tap water over bottled or sparkling water to enjoy and benefit from the mineral it contains, which is advantageous to the bones.
2. Bladder Infections
Your target must be to drink at least five glasses every day. This way, your body absorbs as much water as it needs to develop a healthy cycle.
To remedy bladder infections, you can also eat a bowl of soup or drink a cup of tea. Provided that you are not regularly opting for harmful beverages like soda, you can also enjoy other fluids than plain water to stay hydrated.
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3. Constipation
There are many chemical-free or natural solutions to solve constipation. Other than prunes and coffee, drinking more water is a guaranteed, effective remedy.
This effort will help you constantly have a soft stool, "enough to pass through your digestive system." If you are constipated, drink more water than your usual intake to go back to a regular practice.
4. Hypertension or High Blood Pressure
It is essential to note that dehydration may lead to hypertension for several reasons. If you don't drink adequate liquids, your sodium levels are likely to rise.
This process then leads to a hormone known as "vasopressin" to respond, signaling your kidneys to reuse fluids, particularly water.
Consequently, your blood vessels compress more intensely. Drinking an adequate amount of water can keep your well-structured and controlled.
5. Cold and Flu
You lose different types of fluids like mucus and saliva, among others, when you are ill. If you replenish with water, your body can combat diseases faster.
Refilling your system with water will make you feel better fast, as well. Always remember that hydrated bodies address symptoms more rapidly compared to a dehydrated one.
Other than water, you can consume soup, tea, and other liquid drinks too, when you're ill. Nonetheless, you should not consume too much water as you might develop a condition known as "hyponatremia."
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Sep 24, 2020 09:00 AM EDT