The Many Health Benefits of Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a nutrient in your body most commonly known for its benefits on skin health and appearance. This vitamin is actually a group of fat-soluble vitamins that have antioxidant effects.
Antioxidants are known to fight free radicals, which are linked to cancer formation and premature aging.
Vitamin E also promotes cell regeneration and has anti-inflammatory properties that are essential for maintaining everyday health.
Some people swear by the effects of Vitamin E when applied topically overnight, saying that it can reduce inflammation and make your skin look younger.
The vitamin E oil is known for its many health benefits, especially its antioxidant properties, which can reduce inflammation and slow down the effects of free radicals, as well as its moisturizing properties.

Benefits of Vitamin E
1. Skin moisturizer
It provides natural moisture to the skin, which is one of the usual ingredients in moisturizers. This oil can prevent and treat dry, flaking skin.
2. Reduces skin itching
Because of its moisturizing effects, it can help relieve skin itching caused by dry skin. However, it cannot treat allergies or infections that cause the itching.
3. Fights wrinkles and prevents the development of fine lines
Dry skin tends to look wrinkled as compared to well-moisturized skin. The moisturizing benefits of vitamin E oil also have anti-aging benefits as it can help skin look more youthful. It is also rich in antioxidants which can promote blood circulation. However, there is no scientific evidence proving that vitamin E can prevent or treat wrinkles. The best way to prevent skin aging is still through wearing good quality sunscreen and avoiding direct sunlight.
4. Prevents hyperpigmentation and minimizes the appearance of scars
Hyperpigmentation occurs in response to various skin issues like trauma, scarring, aging, or other damages to the deeper layers of the skin. Melanin gathers in patches of the skin which makes them darker than the surrounding areas. By pairing vitamin E with vitamin C, it will have more visible effects in the treatment of hyperpigmentation.
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5. Soothes sunburn
It is advisable to apply sunscreen 15-30 minutes prior to sun exposure, however in cases when sunburn cannot be avoided, vitamin E oil can be applied to soothe dry, itchy skin as a result of sunburn.
6. Promotes nail health and nail growth
Research shows that vitamin E supplements can help prevent yellow nail syndrome, which causes yellow, thickened, and excessively curved nails.
The moisturizing benefits of vitamin E oil can also promote nail health by preventing cracked cuticles and dry skin around the nail bed.
Vitamin E has many benefits, but prior to applying the oil or taking a supplement, you should take necessary precautions first. If you're going to use the oil, do a patch test. You can apply a small amount of oil to an area and wait for 1-2 days. If no reaction develops, it can be safe to use.
For most people, taking oral vitamin E supplements for a short duration is considered safe, but if taken for over a year, it may result in reduced platelet count and blood thinning.
Vitamin E isn't an effective remedy for everyone. It is still best to consult a medical professional prior to using it.
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Oct 15, 2020 07:40 AM EDT