Foods Pregnant Women Need to Eat to Stay Energized
Pregnancy is a chapter in a woman's life that welcomes them into motherhood. When this happens, they consume food, not only for themselves but also for the child inside their belly. Pregnancy helps women discover the wonderful facets and capacities of their bodies. This stage of their life makes them experience mood swings due to hormonal and biological changes in their body.
According to Web MD, women will experience morning sickness in the first trimester of their pregnancy. Because women get nauseous in this stage, it can affect the nutrition the child will get. There are foods that they cannot stand in the middle of the pregnancy. According to Kaiser Permanente, our bodies digest the food we eat and convert them into energy by mixing it with the stomach's fluids.
This means that the food pregnant woman should promote energy for them at the same time. Here is a list of foods pregnant women should eat to keep themselves active and energized.
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According to Web MD, constipation is common among pregnant women. The high level of progesterone produced in their body slows down the muscle contractions that help the food move through the body's system. They also added that their doctor's prescription of prenatal vitamins has Iron that aids in constipation. Banana helps in this problematic situation. Healthline said that the fiber-rich fruit could help. On the other hand, Eve also said that bananas could help minimize morning sickness because it combats nausea and vomiting.

First, Cry Parenting hailed the milk because it is rich in Calcium and Vitamin D. They also mentioned a study that states drinking milk could help lower the baby's risk of developing allergies in the future. They emphasized that pregnant women need between 1000-1300 milligrams of calcium daily to nourish their bodies and babies. It also acts as an antacid that can ease heartburn and other gastric ailments rampant during pregnancy.
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International Foundation for Mother and Child said that almonds could be very beneficial to pregnant women. Pregnancy results in excessive weight gain, and according to the Foundation, almonds help in this aspect. Almond reduces the hunger pangs of pregnant women, making them feel full for a long period. First, Cry Parenting added that almonds provide folic acid needed in the fetus's brain and neurological development. They also added that it iron-rich, which is needed to develop the baby's heart and boost their immunity.
Green Leafy Vegetables

Green leafy vegetables like broccoli, kale, and spinach have health benefits, even non-pregnant women's needs. According to Healthline, green-leafy vegetables are rich in Vitamins A, C, K, Iron, Fiber, Calcium, Folate, and Potassium, which the fetus needs to further their development. The fibers present in these vegetables will fend off constipation they are experiencing.
These superfoods should be incorporated into the diet of women undergoing pregnancy. They have benefits for both the mom and the child inside your belly.
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Oct 29, 2020 08:00 PM EDT