Poop Color and What Does It Tell You About Your Gut Health
Eating and drinking are daily activities people enjoy. It is a part of our daily routine that does satisfy not only our cravings but also a way on how to take care of our bodies. After the feasts and celebrations filled with smorgasbord and treats, the bathroom is waiting for us to release those friends inside our belly. According to the University of Pennsylvania Health System (Penn Medicine), the bowel movement is the last stop the food makes as it travels through the digestive tract or gut.
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Also called stool, this may not be a good topic for conversation during dinner, this completely normal, and an important function of our body. Penn Medicine described the stool as what is left of the food and drinks after the body absorbs the nutrients present in them. After releasing them, we often press the flush immediately and walk away from the bathroom, not knowing that how they look can mean a tremendous change in your gut.
Brown is the normal color of the stool. This is because the compound released by the liver called bile reacting to the enzymes it encounters through its travel in the digestive tract. Monica Borkar, MD, a gastroenterologist from North Shore University said in an interview with Livestrong that as it travels through the gastrointestinal tract, the stool changes color as it interacts with other contents of the digestive system.

Other colors and how they will help you
According to Mayo Clinic, stool color is influenced by the diet or what you eat. Usually, there is nothing to worry about, but according to Dr. Borkar, some color can be a distress call or warning about what happens inside your stomach.
According to Dr. Borkar, green stool is very normal. It is usually caused by green leafy vegetables, which can be Jell-O or something you ate with green food coloring. WebMD also added that iron supplements could sometimes cause the green hue of your stool. Medicinenet highlighted that green diarrhea means the stool passed the digestive tract very quickly, and bile wasn't able to interact so much with enzymes inside the body.
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According to Mayo Clinic, a yellow stool can mean excess fat in the stool due to malabsorption disorder that can be celiac disease. The gluten from bread and cereals can sometimes be the cause. Mayo Clinic advises seeing a doctor for evaluation.
This color has a greater causality. Dr. Jacqueline Wolf, a gastroenterologist at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, said that it could be caused by red pigments on the food you ate. However, she also stressed that blood from hemorrhoids. American Cancer Society stressed that a red poop could also mean colorectal cancer.
This can also be serious. According to WebMD, the diet may seem to be the cause of a dark-colored stool. Mayo clinic added that iron supplements could cause this dark coloration. However, Dr. Borkar said that black color might be a sign of bleeding in the esophagus, stomach, or small intestine. She added that it could be caused by a stomach ulcer or tumor in the upper Gastrointestinal Tract.
Clay, Pale, or White
According to Mayo Clinic, these color of stool can be a sign of a lack of bile in the stool. Dr. Borkar said that this could also indicate an obstruction in the liver or bile duct, which is caused by gallstones or tumors in the pancreas.
Determining your gut health through your stool can be really helpful. It doesn't bring harm to call your doctor when strange colors appear on your toilet bowls.
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Nov 01, 2020 07:44 AM EST