Study Links Treatment for Osteoporosis Can Reduce Incidence of COVID-19

study shows that osteoporosis treatments can reduce further spreading of COVID-19
A joint study from Spain suggests principal treatments for osteoporosis can have a protective effect against COVID-19 positive patients who take them. The study conducted by Pompeu Fabra University, Pere Virgili Heath Park, Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute, and Hospital del Mar shows that denosumab, zoledronate, and calcium can have a 30% to 40% reduction rate in infection.
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According to Medline Plus, a class of medications called RANK ligand inhibitor works to prevent bone loss by blocking a certain receptor in the body to diminish the bone breakdown. NPS Medicine described zoledronic acid as intravenous bisphosphonate and is given to patients aged 70 years and older with bone mineral density T.-score of 2.5 or less once a year.
Dr. Jordi Monfort, last author of the study and head of Rheumatology at Hospital del Mar and cell research coordinator on Inflammation and Cartilage research group at Hospital del Mar, expounds that there are indications in allowing the hypothesizing of certain drugs used to treat rheumatic diseases, can interfere positively in the natural history of COVID-19, whether by decreasing its incidence or decreasing the incidence the progression of the virus into a more serious case.
According to the researchers, they analyzed data from more than two thousand patients having osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, and their relationship to COVID-19, which were being monitored. Science Direct mentioned that the study started due to the low occurrence or incidence of the pandemic in some of their patients. They added that the UPF Neuropharmacology Laboratory Research Group, Hospital del Mar-IMIM, Integrative Pharmacology, Systems Neuroscience Research group, and Physicians from Villa Olimpica primary healthcare centers (CAP), worked jointly in the analysis of the data.
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Activation Mechanisms
In a statement, the head of rheumatology, first author of the study, and Hospital del Mar-IMIM's cell research on inflammation and cartilage research group researcher, Dr. Jospeh Blanch-Rubio, the study suggests that some of the osteoporosis treatments may protect the patients against spreading or infection of COVID-19. But he emphasized that further studies are needed to be conducted on more patients to have a solid proof.
It is remembered that in the United States, Veklury or Remdesivir is the only COVID-19 drug approved by the U.S. FDA to be used on patients with certain factors to be considered.
The researchers further said that denosumab is involved in the balance of the skeletal system and the immune system's response through the initiation and differentiation of some of its cells. They also said that the drug modifies the inflammatory response and targets cytokines, which is important when infected by COVID-19.
The study also mentioned that anti-depressant duloxetine, a treatment for osteoarthritis patients, also positively affects reducing COVID-19 infections. In a statement, study reference author and UPF Neuropharmacology Laboratory Research Group coordinator, Dr. Rafael Maldonado, said that the anti-osteoporotic drugs are safe and should be continuously taken by patients when they need them. He added that the promising results are important. However, further studies need to be conducted to authenticate the possible beneficial effects of these drugs on COVID-19.
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Nov 04, 2020 09:00 PM EST