Signs Your Friend Has Depression Hidden Perfectly

Other emotions can cover depression.
In a workplace, school, or community setting, there might be this someone who is always making most people laugh. He or she may also talk so much and give insights that help other people. People like them are the life of the party. They always make the room beam with light when awkwardness and sadness lurk around the corners. But did you know that these people, even though they seem happy all the time is trying to hide something?
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People can fall into loneliness and may stay there for a while. At least for some of your friends or colleagues, you can tell whether they are depressed or not. Depression is serious and can cause serious harm. According to the World Health Organization, depression is a common illness, and this serious health condition strikes more than 264 million people. They added that this condition is different from the usual mood fluctuation. American Psychiatric Association added that depression could negatively affect how a person feels and how they act because it can cause feelings of sadness and loss of interest in the activities an individual typically enjoys. Mayo Clinic also mentioned that when someone is depressed, they may have trouble doing their routines.
You might be a concerned friend of the jester in your class or workplace. If you think there is something wrong with your friend regarding his or her emotions, according to Active Beat, here are the things that can help you determine if your friend has perfectly masked depression.
Empathy for others, not for themselves
Is your friend so concerned about what you feel and how you are feeling? While you might take it the good way, this can signify that your friend is depressed. According to the Active Beat, Good Men Project notes that people with depression can be concerned with everyone's emotions but not let someone into their world. They emphasized that these concerns are real, but they might have a wall that won't let someone in.
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This is a very tricky one to tell. According to Very Well Health, smiling depression occurs when people experiencing the condition mask their symptoms, and through their smile, they convince other people that they are happy. They added that this goes undetected because people often imagine depressed people as someone who looks very sad and cries a lot.
According to Active Beat, Lifehack notes that depression can impact how a depressed person eats. They added that eating disorders could be poles apart from the said condition, but it may result in each other.
Angry episodes
While they might be jesters, sometimes they have an episode that makes them mad. According to Active Beat, angry behavior may not be considered a problem because people get mad at times. Still, they mentioned lifehack, noting that the angry outbursts and being easily irritated are symptoms of depression.
These are some of the symptoms or signs you may use to observe if your friend has depression. It may not be easy to come inside the walls they have built, but being in touch and showing them that you have concern for them may benefit their mental health and help them get out of the loneliness they are feeling.
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Check out more news and information on Depression on MD News Daily.
Nov 29, 2020 12:00 PM EST