Breakfast List for Your Constipation

Getting up early in the morning to get ready for work is the routine for the average worker. You can't afford to be late because many things are scheduled to be done for the day. A usual, you get your breakfast, do your morning ritual, and for some, morning is their schedule for their bowel movement. Working can never be lighter if you released the waste your body has made throughout the process of digestion. However, there are days when you can't release the stool inside your stomach. That's when you get constipated, and it can be a hassle.
According to WebMD, bowel movements vary from person to person. They added that going longer for more than three days is too long for the interval of bowel movements making the stools harder and even more difficult to pass. Stat News added that Americans often experience constipation. They added that 16% of Americans and a third of those older than 60 years old experience chronic constipation. Although it is always said that eating fiber can help ease constipation, fiber and bananas are not always present, especially if you are in your workplace. So, to ease that constipation and release that bowel before going to work, here are some of the breakfast that can help you poop.
ALSO READ: Constipation and How to Get Things Moving
This dried fruit that usually comes in a mix with other trail mixes can help that stool moving. According to WebMD, this wrinkled, dried fruit - but plump and juicy when fresh - has gained a reputation as a natural remedy for constipation. Since it's dried, it won't take so much space inside your bag, put them in a small container, and enjoy it as a snack if you have to go. For breakfast, you can mix the dried fruit in your oatmeal.
Instead of juices, make a smoothie in the morning. According to Livestrong, when you make a smoothie, you retain all the fibers of the fruit, vegetables, nuts, and other foods you may be using. They added that if made with the right selection of ingredients, it can help that stool moving inside your belly and ease your constipation.
According to Livestrong, eating oatmeal will make your gut thankful and healthy. Piedmont Atlanta Hospital's bariatric surgery coordinator, Kristen Smith, MS, R.D., said in an interview that Oats are rich in soluble fiber, a type of fiber that enables more water to remain in the stool. She added that this makes the stool softer and larger, which makes it easier to pass.
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Suppose you love having pancakes, bacon, and egg for breakfast, that is alright. Just add fruit to it to have fiber in your breakfast and keep that stool flowing. According to Livestrong, fruits like bananas have fiber that can help your constipation. Besides, a banana is also prebiotic, so eating it will benefit your tummy.
With fruity flavors, you may enjoy this with your breakfast. According to WebMD, while too much cheese and milk can block you up, yogurt with probiotics will help you ease that constipation.
Try to notice, after every bowel movement, you feel lighter and refresh. Although the interval and duration can vary, you may take this breakfast list to help you with your constipation problems and enter your workplace with a lighter smile.
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Check out more news and information on Gut Health on MD News Daily.
Nov 30, 2020 07:00 AM EST