How to Make Your New House Feel Like Home

The word "house" just doesn't have the same pleasant comfort that exudes from the word "home." If you have ever moved from one place to another, you know that it always takes some time before the new place truly starts feeling like home. Even after the movers have cleared out, everything has been unpacked and set up, you've stocked up on food and drinks, there is still a feeling of being in a strange new place. This feeling may last for weeks or months after moving day.
But the sense of feeling "at home" is mostly all about perception. You feel at home where you feel warm and safe. To make your new house start feeling like home, you should think of things that make you feel warm, safe, and happy, and then try to incorporate them into your house.
Here are some ideas to get you started.
Put up pictures
Looking at art reduces stress and makes you feel happy. In addition, hanging pictures and art in your house brings in your individual personality and interests to the space. Photographs of loved ones, good times, and important milestones bring a piece of your past into your new home. Surrounding yourself with art and photographs that make you happy will nurture the feeling of home.
Display sentimental items
The place we first feel safe and loved is our childhood home. Keeping a few knick knacks that remind you of that place can work wonders in bring that feeling into a new placed. It could be a piece of furniture, an old cuckoo clock, a decoration piece, or even a few old books. Select some things that remind you of your childhood home, and incorporate them into your new space.
Clean it up
It is impossible to be entirely comfortable in a place that isn't clean or tidy. Have the whole house professionally disinfected before you move in. Then as you set it up, keep it clean. If you want to feel truly relaxed, like you would expect to feel at home, make a dedicated effort to maintain the cosiness and comfort of your space. Clean sheets and pillows are the best to snuggle in to so make sure you have a crisp bed waiting to welcome you after a hard day's work.
Houseplants all the way
Just like art, plants and flowers have the ability to affect our mood and reduce stress. Not only do plants and flowers look great, they feng shui the negativity out and clean the air. Buy some succulents and indoor plants and make your space green. You could even plant herbs in glass jars in your kitchen. Fresh flowers on the dining table can also give a super homey feel. Even if you don't have a green thumb, there are plenty of hardy houseplants that won't easily die on you.
Light it up
Inadequate or inappropriate lighting can reduce the appeal in a house. Few things are worse than fluorescent lighting. Choose warm temperature shades of white or yellow for your light-bulbs, as they promote relaxation. Then add ambiance lighting as needed. Any space can be made to feel homey with some well-placed lamps, candles, and other mood lighting.
A house or apartment should be more than just an address, or a place to sleep. Whether you are living in a tiny flat or a huge mansion, a dorm room, a rental, or a new house, surround yourself with the things that make you feel good. The more you fill your space with things that make you feel happy, the more your house will feel like home.
Dec 15, 2020 03:08 PM EST