The Importance of Keeping Your Brain Healthy

The human brain is one of the most complex and largest organs of the body. It is a soft, spongy mass of supportive tissue and nerve cells connected to the spinal cord. It's so powerful that it controls your ability to hear, see, think, talk, feel, walk, sleep, and many more. The brain even controls your breathing. It is divided into different lobes. The frontal lobes are responsible for judgment, analytic, and motor functions. The parietal lobes are in charge of the handwriting, sensation, and body position. The temporal lobes manage memory and hearing. Finally, the occipital lobes are involved with the brain's visual processing system. The brain has a great impact on the human body. A simple headache can bring discomfort that may disrupt the task or routine of the person.
As you age, it's normal for the brain and other organs to age and deteriorate. That's why it is ultimately essential to stay healthy while still young. Keeping your mind active and nourishing it with plenty of nutrients and oxygen reduce the risk of brain illness. Why is brain health important?
To Prevent Cognitive Decline or Impairment
We often hear the term Alzheimer's disease, dementia, amnesia, Parkinson's disease, mild cognitive impairment, and much more. These are examples of cognitive disorders that fall under the category of mental health disorders that predominantly affect perception, learning, memory, and problem-solving. To avoid these conditions, medical doctors and health experts recommend the following:
● Regular exercise
This does not only improve blood circulation but also helps in supplying oxygen to the brain.
● Give importance to brain food
Give importance to a balanced diet as it is essential in nourishing both mind and body. Protect your brain by eating fresh natural produce or a Mediterranean diet which includes fruits, whole grains, nuts, vegetables, olive oil, and a moderate quantity of fish and red meat. Taking nootropics can also improve cognitive performance. This smart idea was even applied by wellness-oriented individuals of Earth 2 Brain and came up with a natural, man-made nutritional supplement that offers several health benefits for the brain. The supplement can boost cognitive function especially if you're affected by stress.
● Avoid too much alcohol intake and give up smoking
Moderate alcohol consumption may reduce the risk of dementia. Experts recommend less than two glasses a day to fend off cognitive decline. Smoking does not do any good to the body. It increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and Alzheimer's disease.
Reduces Age-Related Cognitive Decline
Age-related cognitive decline can be reduced if you have a good lifestyle. Similar to a healthy body, the process of renewal happens in a healthy brain. As the person gets older, changes in the brain include a decrease in mental capabilities. But improving mental health, you can maintain memory, communication, and understanding.
Can Boosts Healthy Lifestyle
We are confronted with health scares every day and brain health is influenced by several factors. Having a healthy brain can also help us enjoy a quality life and live an active lifestyle especially if we cut those bad habits that can affect our cognitive function. This can build strong social connections that can protect our memory and prevent depression or feelings of loneliness.
A sound and healthy brain are imperative for overall well-being and longevity. There are ways to be mentally fit. It only takes determination, discipline, and a positive attitude to get desirable results.
Feb 13, 2021 10:29 AM EST