Uncle Ben's Rice Recalled After 63 People Made Sick

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is urging consumers not to eat any recently purchased Uncle Ben's Infused Rice after several cases of illness were found to be linked to the product.
Government officials are investigating a number of illnesses associated with consumption of Uncle Ben's Infused Rice Products as of February 10.
on February 7, the FDA's Coordinated Outbreak Response and Evaluation Network was made aware of a situation in three public schools in Kathy, Texas where students and teachers were experiencing headaches, nausea, and burning rashes after eating Uncle Ben's Infused Rice Mexican Flavor. Thirty-four students total were made ill by the rice, but all eventually recovered. According to the FDA, two similar incidents took place in Illinois and North Dakota, causing 29 people to become ill after eating similar Uncle Ben Infused Rice products.
According to recent inquiries made by the Washington Post, tests results from an investigation into the Illinois incident discovered an unhealthy amount of niacin, or Vitamin B3, in the rice. Overexposure to the vitamin results in a reaction similar to what is seen in these more recent cases, but the FDA has not officially confirmed if this is the true cause of illness.
The rice in question is not normally sold for individual retail, so most house-holds need not worry. Still, the products, which are typically sold to restraints, schools, hospitals, and other commercial establishment, still pose a risk to the public.
Mars Foodservices is recalling all products even remotely associated with the incidents of illness in order to ensure no more cases can occur. The FDA has also released a list of these products and their serial numbers so food providers can return or dispose of it.
The FDA public warning contains a complete list of the recalled products.
Feb 10, 2014 02:45 PM EST