Regular Intake of Peach can prevent Breast Cancer Metastasis : Study
Eating two or three peaches daily can keep breast cancer at bay, according to a new study.
Researchers from the Texas A&M AgriLife used a mouse model to test efficacy of phenolic compounds found in peach extracts in reducing metastasis or rapid spread of breast cancer cells. They implanted aggressive breast cancer cells-MDA-MB-435 inside the skin of mice and regularly fed them peach extracts. Weeks following the trial, experts noted a significant reduction in the presence the cancer market gene in the lungs of these mice suggesting 'inhibition of metastasis'.
These extracts do not harm normal and healthy cells but specifically attack cancer cells and stunt their growth by altering the genetic structure of metalloproteinase.
Luis Cisneros-Zevallos, study author and a food scientist for AgriLife Research in College Station said in the news release, "The importance of our findings are very relevant, because it shows in vivo the effect that natural compounds, in this case the phenolic compounds in peach, have against breast cancer and metastasis. It gives opportunity to include in the diet an additional tool to prevent and fight this terrible disease that affects so many people."
The trial used the peach variety' Rich Lady'. Experts note that all types of the fruit contain polypehnolic elements but in varying proportion and can be helpful in preventing the development of the deadly disease.
Cisneros-Zevallos said, "We are enthusiastic about the idea that perhaps by consuming only two to three peaches a day we can obtain similar effects in humans. However, this will have to be the next step in the study for its confirmation."
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 206,966 women were diagnosed with breast cancer and around 40,996 succumbed to the disease in 2010.
More information is available in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry.
Mar 27, 2014 10:17 AM EDT