5 Best Home Remedies to Get Rid of Varicose Veins

According to research 20 percent of adults are likely to suffer from varicose veins at some point of their lives
Varicose veins appear when an individual's veins get enlarged and swollen. In some cases, they can be painful and bring discomfort.
If you are one of the countless people who have varicose veins, don't worry. There's a great range of home remedies to help you lessen the appearance and alleviate the pain caused by varicose veins.
According to research, 20 percent of adults are likely to suffer from varicose veins at some point in their lives. There are various medical treatments for varicose veins.
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5 Easy Ways to Get Rid of Varicose Veins
More often than not, these remedies do not need to be as invasive as a surgery or as risky as taking drugs. Most of them are, in fact, easy ways that you can do by yourself at home. Here are five of the best remedies you can try to get rid of varicose veins:
1. Exercise Regularly
Exercising regularly promotes better circulation of blood in the legs, which helps push the blood along that has collected in the veins.
If you exercise, it will help lower your blood pressure which can be yet another contributor to many factors that lead to the occurrence of varicose veins.
Some of the effective exercises that help prevent the occurrence, or control the worsening of varicose veins are swimming, cycling, yoga and walking.
2. Change Your Diet
If you love salty foods or those that are rich in sodium, you should start avoiding them as they cause your body to retain water.
If you cut down on salty foods, you can minimize water retention. Foods that are rich in potassium are great contributors to the reduction of water retention.
Foods that you should start eating to replace the sodium-rich ones are potatoes, leafy greens, fish like salmon and tuna, and nuts like pistachios and almonds.
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3. Apply Apple Cider Vinegar onto the Affected Area
Obese or overweight people are most of the time, likely to have varicose veins. Therefore, shedding off some pound can help reduce the pressure on the veins and lessens the feeling of discomfort, as well as the swelling.
One of the effective treatments is the application of apple cider vinegar. According to research, it is not just a natural cleansing product for the body but helps improve circulation and blood flow, too.
Apple cider vinegar is effective if you apply it undiluted on your skin over your varicose veins. After applying, gently massage the affected area.
For a couple of months, apply this every day before you go to bed, and repeat it when you wake up in the morning, and you will definitely see positive results.
4. Raise Your Legs and Keep them Elevated
Experts say, if you keep your legs elevated, preferably at the same height as your heart or a little over it, you will have improved blood circulation.
By doing so, the pressure in your leg veins will also be reduced. More so, the gravity will also help the blood to flow back to the heart smoothly.
Aim to keep your legs elevated if you usually sit for long periods like when you are working or resting.
5. Consume More Flavonoids
Eat foods that are rich in flavonoids. It will help you shrink those varicose veins. Flavonoids help boost your blood circulation, and it will keep your blood flowing, making it less possible to build up in the veins.
Among the foods with flavonoid are vegetables like bell peppers, broccoli, spinach, onions, cocoa, garlic, citrus fruits, apples, cherries, and grapes.
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Check out more news and information on Varicose Veins on MD News Daily.
Aug 28, 2020 08:00 AM EDT