5 Ways to Stop Stress from Ruining Your Day

No matter how dangerous stress could possibly be, you can do something to stop it from worsening. You can definitely stop stress from ruining your day with these 5 easy ways.
According to a health psychologist at Stanford University, Kelly McGonigal, several studies have suggested stress could be one of the main causes of death in the United States.
Relatively, extensive research, McGonigal revealed, approximated that stress could kill up to "20,000 Americans each year."
Despite this approximation, it turns out, and this health psychologist said that just a specific kind of stress could take a severe toll on an individual's health.
Meaning, citing a "boatload of scientific research," this psychology expert explained that what's making stress harmful is not actually the basic physical response that causes the heart to pound or the palms to sweat. Rather, it is a common belief that stress is indeed, bad feeling.
The good news is that, no matter how dangerous stress could possibly be, you can do something to stop it from worsening. You can definitely stop stress from ruining your day!
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5 Tips to Fight Stress
Yale University researchers found that stress lessens the volume of trey matter in specific brain areas, responsible for self-control. Below are 5 of the things you can do to fight stress.
1. Breathe
You don't just stop and take one nice, cleansing breath. While it may be ideal and would help you bring those stress levels down, there's another way to breathe and avoid stress.
If you're too busy, you indeed have no time to stop and breathe for a while. You can still do without the need of slowing down.
Breathing means focusing. It means focusing on your breath, on your feet while walking, or even on a particular color in front of you. If you still find it difficult to do, rub both of your hands together to bring your focus ton just one thing.
2. Disconnect from Technology
Technology allows you to be in constant communication with anyone anywhere in the world. This means everyone will expect you to be available 24/7.
It will be difficult to enjoy your time when not at work if you are still connected to the Internet, your mobile gadget or computer.
Turning off our phone means giving your body and mind a break. Studies have found that something as simple as an email break during the weekend helps lower the stress levels.
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3. Walk for a While
If you have the chance, escape to a quiet place, wherever you find peace. That place can be in the bathroom and there, close your eyes and count until 60.
Taking yourself out of a stressful situation for a quick break will help you spend stress-free moments. Walk outside, and breathe some fresh air.
According to Emory University researchers, holding onto stress can lead you to develop heart disease or high blood pressure.
4. Listen to Something Calming
If you cannot listen to your favorite music while working, listen to something else that's particularly calming.
Say, it's the energy you need, you'll surely be energized with an "old-fashioned rock anthem" to boost your mood.
A song you'd hear from your headphones can lead you to another place that will make you relaxed and calm.
5. Seek Support
It is tempting but totally ineffective to try dealing with stress all by yourself. If you want to be calm and productive, you must recognize your weaknesses and seek assistance when you need it.
We all have someone, whether at work or outside, who can help us in any way they can. Identify these people in your life and reach out to them for insight and support when you need them.
By simply talking with someone about your apprehensions, you will have an outlet for your stress, and you'll get a new perspective on whatever stressful situation you have.
More often than not, others can find a solution that you cannot, as they are not as emotionally involved in the situation.
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Check out more news and information on Stress on MD News Daily.
Sep 25, 2020 08:40 AM EDT