5 Foods To Avoid if You Have Arthritis
If you are one of the more than 50 million Americans with arthritis, you are undoubtedly familiar with joint pain and discomfort that the condition brings.
There are different types of arthritis, although the most common forms include osteoarthritis or OA, typically developing from a person's mid-40s onwards; and rheumatoid arthritis or RA, an autoimmune condition in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the cells that line the joints, making them swollen, stiff and painful, and in time, impairs them.
The doctor may recommend treatment methods like physiotherapy and medication if needed. However, lifestyle is still the key to controlling arthritis as well, and diet has a significant contribution to it.
Experts in this condition say the best supplements for joints included fight inflammation, pain, and swelling. Women aged 50 and older can take "Glucosamine and Chondroitin."

Just as there are foods that benefit and help alleviate the symptoms of arthritis, there are certain foods to avoid too, when you are suffering from this condition as they may worsen joint symptoms.
5 Must-Avoid Foods
Several studies have suggested that a Mediterranean diet is the best if you are experiencing symptoms of arthritis. This particular diet, based on fresh fruits and vegetables, olive oil, seeds, whole grains, nuts, and a small amount of red wine, can contribute to the management of inflammation that results in arthritis.
Nonetheless, just as there are foods that benefit and help alleviate the symptoms of arthritis, there are certain foods to avoid too, when you are suffering from this condition as they may worsen joint symptoms. Below are 5 of the foods you must avoid if you have arthritis:
1. Meat
Studies have proven that a plant-based diet is beneficial for addressing arthritis symptoms. On the other hand, meat appears to worsen inflammation.
Specifically, the research found that when individuals followed a vegan, vegetarian, or pesco-vegetarian diet, the inflammatory markers in their bodies declined substantially. Eating meat, though, kept the levels of inflammation raised.
The same study found, red meat is rich in saturated fat, which is associated with high cholesterol and heart ailment, and therefore, it's another reason to eliminate it or at least decrease consumption of it.
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2. Fried Dishes
If you've been eating fried foods, you better start watching the amount you consume. A study showed "foods cooked at high temperatures" like grilled and fried foods produce toxins, also known as advanced glycation end products AGEs, which are associated with inflammation and may aggravate arthritis symptoms.
This does not mean, though, and you cannot eat chips again-ever. However, it is worth minimizing the consumption of foods cooked in this manner.
3. Salty Foods
With your condition, perhaps, you already know that too much salt is bad for your health. More so, it can worsen symptoms of arthritis. Concerning this, several studies have associated "excess salt with RA flares."
Also, it is among the worst culprits for high blood pressure. As arthritis substantially raises one's risk of cardiovascular disease, it is specifically essential to keep the blood pressure down.
The best way to lessen salt intake is to avoid too much-processed foods which tend to be rich in it, and to add flavoring to your cooking using herbs and spices, instead,
4. Dairy Food Products
Some people who have arthritis have discovered that following a vegan diet without any animal product at all, including dairy products, help manage their symptoms.
The research found those who avoided milk products from animals experienced less inflammation and lesser symptoms.
Meanwhile, the evidence is mixed, as other studies have shown milk contains anti-inflammatory properties. Nonetheless, the study still found the dairy product is more likely to be "pro-inflammatory" if you are lactose intolerant and many people are.
5. Sugary Foods
Sugar-rich foods like cakes and biscuits can change the way your immune system reacts to illness and can aggravate inflammation. This was according to one study.
The said study indicates, sweet foods and beverages are typically "high in calories and low in nutrients," not to mention associated with weight gain. This is quite bad news not just for your joints but for your heart, as well.
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Check out more news and information on Arthritis and Diet Trends on MD News Daily.
Oct 06, 2020 08:20 AM EDT