Coffee and Green Tea Benefits for Diabetic Patients
According to the 2020 National Diabetes Statistics Reports, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC's Division of Diabetes Translation, 10.5% or 34.2 million people (of all ages) have diabetes.
Medline Plus defines Diabetes as a disease, in which a diabetic has too high blood sugar. Diabetes is classified into Type 1 and Type 2. Medline Plus emphasized the difference between the two. Type 1: your body does not make insulin, Type 2: Your body does not make or use insulin.
Research published in the online journal BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care suggests that drinking 4 or more cups of green tea plus 2 more cups of coffee lowers the death risk on any cause of Type 2 Diabetic patients by 63%.

Study claims that increased intake of Green tea and Coffee lowers death risk among Type 2 Diabetics
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Coffee and Type 2 Diabetes
The research led by Dr. Fuji Komorita, assistant professor at Kyushu University Graduate School of Medical Sciences in Fukuoka, Japan, said that results in their study showed that higher consumption of coffee and green tea was associated with reduced mortality of people with type 2 Diabetes.
According to Dr. Regina Castro, M.D. of Mayo Clinic, some studies suggest that drinking coffee, whether caffeinated or decaffeinated, may also help in reducing the risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes. But emphasized that caffeine affects every person differently. A person who is struggling to control blood sugar must limit the caffeine intake in their diet.
Green Tea and Type 2 Diabetes
According to the US Agriculture nutrition data, a plain cup of green tea from a steeped bag has 0 calories.
in an interview with Everyday health Sandra Arevalo, MPH, RDN, a certified diabetes Educator, said that when a person loses weight, an increase in insulin sensitivity occurs and blood sugar level lowers.
A study lead by Dr. Ateke Mousavi, a nutrition consultant from Tehran University of Medical Sciences in Iran, shows a result of a significant decrease in body weight from the respondents of the study who consumed four cups of green tea per day.
However, caffeine is also present in green tea.
According to Healthline, the amount of Caffeine present in Green tea depends on the tea plant itself. A tea made from a younger plant has less caffeine. It was also emphasized that Bagged teas have greater caffeine than loose-leaf ones.
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Effects of Caffeine on Type 2 Diabetics
According to WebMD, Type 2 Diabetics' blood does not use insulin well and caffeine may make it tougher for the blood sugar level to go back to its healthy point after meals. Over time this may result in diabetes complications such as heart diseases and nerve damages.
It is important to note that Americans and the Japanese have a different lifestyle.
The study authored by Dr. Komorita concluded that the results of their research suggest consuming green tea and coffee may have beneficial effects on the longevity of Japanese people with Type 2 Diabetes.
Although studies argue about the implication of Caffeine present on green tea and coffee as part of Type 2 Diabetics' diet, numerous studies also emphasized these beverages' help, in preventing healthy people from acquiring Type 2 Diabetes and avoiding premature death.
Check out more news and information on Diabetes on MD News Daily.
Oct 25, 2020 09:00 PM EDT