Benefits and Risks of Coffee You Must Know

Waking up in the chilly morning staring at nothingness through your window is calming. Accompanying it with coffee will make it very different. Coffee is a staple at any time of the day drink, not only for Americans but also for people worldwide. According to the data of E-importz, 50% of Americans over 18 years of age drink coffee daily. The percentage represents around 150 million daily drinkers of coffee, according to E-importz. Because of the caffeine present in the coffee that keeps us awake, workers and students take it to give them adequate energy and drive in doing their daily activities.
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In an interview with BBC, the International Agency for Research on Cancer's (IARC) head of nutrition and metabolism, Marc Gunter, said that coffee is seen as a bad thing traditionally. In the interview, he mentioned a study conducted in the 80s and 90s, showing that people who drank coffee had a higher risk of cardiovascular disease. On the other hand, Harvard Medical School said in an article that several studies linked coffee to certain health conditions such as bladder and pancreatic cancer, esophageal cancer, cardiovascular disease, and it can impair sleep cause anxiety heartburn, and palpitations.
However, Harvard Medical School also mentioned that WHO removed coffee as a potential carcinogen in its 2016 report. 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee by the US Department of Agriculture and the US Department of Health and Human Services said that moderate coffee consumption could be added to the diet. But remember that the organization emphasized the moderate consumption of coffee as everything too much might harm your health.
John Hopkins Medicine said that numerous studies conclude that coffee gives you more. They emphasized that coffee is full of substances that may help guard against certain conditions.
Health Benefits of Coffee
Coffee may be dangerous when taken too much. But did you know that it can help you prevent some issue when taken in moderation? Here are some of the benefits coffee can offer.
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Can help you burn fat

According to Healthline, coffee is one of the few natural substances proven to aid in fat burning. Several studies show that caffeine can specifically increase fat burning by boosting the metabolic rate.
Coffee and heart health

Medical News Today mentioned a study in their article showing that drinking coffee in moderation may protect against heart failure. They also added that people who drink coffee every day have an 11% lower risk of heart failure than those who did not.
Decrease the risk of Alzheimer's disease

According to John Hopkins Medicine, the caffeine in two coffee cups may provide noteworthy protection against developing the disease. John Hopkins Medicine also mentioned a study involving women age 65 and older drinking two to three cups of coffee daily, were less likely to develop dementia in general.
Coffee and Liver

Medical News Today mentioned a 2017 meta-analysis that concluded that any coffee type could reduce the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, liver cancer, and cirrhosis. They also added that people who consume coffee have a lower risk of gallstone disease.
Harvard Medical School warns people to moderate coffee intake. The risk of side effects will lessen when you watch your coffee intake even though there are benefits coffee can offer. Being safe is better than being sorry in the long run.
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Nov 02, 2020 12:00 PM EST