Fasting: What Actually Happens Hour by Hour

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Fasting, being in the limelight recently with other diet trends, existed even before the rise of the ketogenic diet. It is supposed to help people lose weight. But fasting exists not only for losing weight as it is also a practice for some religious beliefs. Because of this, fasting is more than losing weight?
According to Culture Awareness, religions, and philosophies that practice fasting are Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, Taoism, Hinduism, and Jainism. They added that fasting in these religions and philosophies could last for a few weeks, usually with practitioners eating at night. Fasting in diet can be a bit different, as it is intermittent. According to Healthline, intermittent fasting involves cycling between eating and fasting periods, ranging from a few hours to a few days at a time.
According to Healthline, fasting can give you a lot of benefits. Some of them promote blood sugar control, enhance heart health by improving blood pressure, fights inflammation, Aids Weight Loss by limiting calorie intake, boost brain function and prevent neurodegenerative disorders, increase growth hormone, and delay aging. Isn't that all amazing? You just have time when you eat, and all of these may happen. But the real question comes in: what happens inside your body when you fast. Here is a detailed description hour by hour.
0-4 Hours
Mind Body Green describes the first hour as the anabolic phase. According to Momentum Health, an anabolic state is when the food you eat is being digested and lasts for three to five hours. The body uses up the energy from the food you ate and used them for cellular and tissue growth. Blood sugar also heightens. Mind Body Green also mentioned that insulin levels go high to regulate glucose in the blood and store them in the cell for later use.
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4-16 Hours
This is where the catabolic phase comes in. Zero fasting described this phase as the breakdown, and stored nutrients are put to use. Glucagon also comes into the picture when the insulin levels drop and stimulate glycogen breakdown for energy. Mind-Body Green said that fats are used to fuel up your energy when the cell's energy runs out. They added that Autophagy comes in this phase triggering a reduction in the growth regulator called MTOR, which cleans your cells from dead or damaged cellular material.
16-24 hours
Mind Body Green states that glucose in the cells and glycogen from the liver declines
and the burning of the stored fat is done by the body to suffice your energy. According to Life Apps, by 18 hours, you can now measure high blood ketone levels above the baseline value. They added that as their bloodstream level rises, ketones can act as signaling molecules and ramp up stress-busting pathways, which reduces inflammation.
24-72 hours
Mind Body Green stated that since you entered ketosis, they act as fuel for the brain. They added that burning ketones could heighten cognitive performance, mental clarity, a general sense of clarity and well-being. They furthered that the brain boosts brain-derived nootropic factor (BDNF), which supports brain neurons' growth.
Many things happen inside which are very beneficial to the body. So if you are thinking of trying this out, you may consider it but remember to ask your doctor if this diet is good for you and your condition.
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Nov 06, 2020 09:00 AM EST