Know More About Moringa And Why it Deserves a Seat on Your Diet

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You might have seen moringa powders across the aisle of acai and goji berry powders. This green powder claims to have many nutritional benefits that have a great impact on your health. But what is moringa and where did it come from? Also known as moringa oleifera, according to Cabi, is a perennial tree thought to be native in India but is now widely naturalized in countries located in the tropics and sub-tropics.
According to WebMD, this drought-resistant tree has flowers, leaves, roots, and seeds that have been used as folk medicine. They added that it is traditionally used to remedy diabetes, chronic inflammation, bacterial, viral, and fungal infections, joint pain, support heart health, and even cancer. Aduna added that moringa oleifera is one of the most nutrient-rich plants in the world. They added that this wonder plant comprises 25% plant protein, including nine amino acids, 24% fiber, a rich source of iron, vitamins K, E, A, and calcium, rich in antioxidants. With these rich nutrients in them, are you curious about what they can do to your body? Here are the benefits moringa can give you.
Reduction of Tiredness and Fatigue
According to Aduna, iron is essential in the reduction of fatigue. Since moringa is rich in iron, it can help you ease that stress. They added that adding the plant to our diet will help prevent you from fatigue. In its article, the urban juicer said that vitamin A is also present in moringa, which will help speed up the chemical reaction of iron, increasing metabolism.
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Improve Digestion
Mind Body Green said that moringa powder contains 30% fiber, which is insoluble, which is beneficial for digestion. They added that moringa is a natural antibiotic and may help inhibit the growth of various pathogens that can cause an upset stomach.
Support Brain Health
Find my health highlights moringa's ability to support one of the most important organs in our body: the brain. According to find my health, moringa's antioxidant and neuroenhancer activities affect cognitive functions. They added that it was tested as a treatment for Alzheimer's disease. Mind Body Green added that its high vitamin C and E fight oxidative stress, and it is also associated with the increase of the happy hormones, dopamine, and serotonin.
Fight Free Radicals
The antioxidant in moringa fights these bad guys. Created by pollution, fried food, sun exposure, and mind-body green, these bad guys cause oxidative stress, cell damage, and premature damage. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) said that the extracts of the moringa, both mature and tender leaves have potent antioxidant activity that fights free radicals.
Reduce Inflammation
Find my health said in an article that chronic inflammation is one of the causes of diabetes, respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases, arthritis, and obesity other chronic diseases. According to Mind Body Green, moringa has been seen to lower the inflammation in cells. They also said that moringa reduces inflammation by suppressing inflammatory enzymes and proteins in the body.
Is It Safe?
According to WebMD, considering eating moringa or including moringa in your diet is a good move for your health. They added that leaves, young seed pods, and leaf extracts from powder are safe and nutritional. However, they also warned that consuming bark or pulp can be dangerous for pregnant women because chemicals present may make the uterus contract and cause miscarriage.
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Nov 06, 2020 10:00 AM EST