Foods That Can Naturally Boost Your Intake of Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a nutrient that does a lot of work in the body. It is well known for boosting the immune system - which is a concern for everyone, especially nowadays that coronavirus is everywhere. According to Healthline, vitamin C is one of the nutrients that our body cannot produce. That is why supplements are available in the market for us to consume.
ALSO READ: Do Vitamins Help in the Body's Fight Against Coronavirus?
However, taking vitamin supplements should be taken cautiously because too much vitamin C can cause turmoil inside the body. According to the Mayo Clinic, it can cause diarrhea, nausea, heartburn, insomnia, headache, and abdominal cramps. This means that there is a limitation on the number or volume of intake when taking vitamin C supplements. Mayo Clinic mentions that for adults, vitamin C should be taken 65-90 milligrams a day. This indicates that too much dosage of this vitamin can make you experience the said side effects.
When we mention vitamin C, the first thing that might pop into your head is vitamin supplements. But did you know that aside from that, there are more foods that you can include in your diet to boost your intake of vitamin C and other vitamins needed by your body? Here are some of them.
Navel Orange

Aside from being present in your after-meal regimen to clear your palate, navel oranges are rich in vitamin C. While this might not be a secret because vitamin C is present in a variety of citrus fruits. According to Hale Groves, navel oranges are also a great source of fiber, beneficial for the gut, and calcium, which is needed by the bones and the muscles for their bodily functions.
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Red Bell Peppers

This savory vegetable is not only good for enhancing the taste of your lunch. Usually added as a side dish to proteins and fishes, according to pop sugar fitness, red bell peppers are also rich in vitamin C. They added that one medium-sized red bell pepper gives you 169 percent of the reference daily intake of vitamin C. because of its taste-enhancing ability, adding it to your favorite Asian recipes will give you a great amount of the said vitamin in a natural way.

You might be avoiding this as a kid, but did you know that this green crunchy vegetable has a lot of vitamin C apart from having other nutrients needed by your body? According to pop sugar fitness, broccoli has 80 milligrams of vitamin C per cup. Add them to your beef or steaks to lessen the taste if you don't like to have that vitamin C coming.
Chili peppers

They might be tangy and spicy, but trust me, they have vitamin C. According to Healthline, this red hot pepper has 109 mg of vitamin C. Make sure to add it to your favorite Indian and Mexican dishes so that you can enjoy the hotness and nutrition they provide.
These are only some of the foods you can choose to increase your intake of vitamin C naturally. Supplements are alright, but it gives you a specific vitamin. With these natural foods and ingredients, you can increase vitamin C in your body and other nutrients needed in bodily function as a bonus.
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Check out more news and information on Vitamins on MD News Daily.
Nov 26, 2020 07:00 PM EST