COVID-19? It Might Be Stomach Flu; Difference Between the Two

COVID-19 had spread terrors throughout the world when the effects of the disease were announced. Moreover, it spread anxiety and depression to people who are fond of going out and exposing themselves to the sun. Although basking under the sun is allowed by the authorities, there are restrictions and protocols to prevent the spread of the virus and lower the number of patients admitted to the local hospitals because of the coronavirus.
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Doctors are critical in diagnosing the patients suspected to be COVID-19 positive because of the variety of effects and manifestations it entails once the virus gets inside the body, from headaches that typically occur because of stress, heart diseases, and blood clots. According to Health COVID-19, symptoms also show nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting, which is also the manifestation of gastroenteritis or stomach flu.
Symptoms of Viral Gastroenteritis and COVID-19
Better Health explains that gastroenteritis is a disease caused by irritation and infection of the digestive system. They emphasized that patients usually heal automatically after a few days. Mayo Clinic added that viral gastroenteritis is common through contact with an infected person or ingesting contaminated food and water. They also emphasized that although this is called stomach flu, it only affects the digestive tract or intestines. Mayo Clinic also stresses that the real flu affects the respiratory system - nose, lungs, and mouth - making it different from COVID-19, which primarily affects the lungs.
According to Medline Plus, symptoms of gastroenteritis include diarrhea, vomiting, headache, fever, and abdominal pain. On the other hand, Health mentioned that COVID-19 demonstrates manifestations such as vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea, which is the same as viral gastroenteritis.
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Viral Gastroenteritis vs. COVID-19
At this point, you might be thinking that when you vomit and have diarrhea and vomiting, you might have COVID-19. Well, that is not the case. But how will you know if you have gastroenteritis, which can last for a few days and disappear on its own, or COVID-19 that can admit you to the hospital and be attended by nurses and medical experts? In an interview with Health, Cleveland Clinic's DO, Cory Fisher, the difference is the loss of taste and smell, which does not happen in gastroenteritis. It can indicate that a coronavirus inflicted an individual. He also added in the interview that COVID-19 tend to have manifestations on the upper respiratory symptoms.
Tania Elliot, MD, from the New York University (NYU) Langone also said in an interview with Health that chest pains could also be a hint to COVID-19 because it should not happen in gastroenteritis, which targets the intestine alone. Dr. Elliot also added that taking into account the infection rate in an individual's community can help diagnose one's self of COVID-19.
Although COVID-19 can have similar manifestations with other diseases, note that it is a respiratory disease. If it concerns you, it is better to consult a doctor to diagnose and treat the disease you might have properly. It is better than stressing out and panicking because stress is also bad for health.
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Dec 03, 2020 07:00 AM EST