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Jul 29, 2014 AM EDT
High level of brown fat in the body shields against the risk of obesity and diabetes, finds a study.
Study finds our lung cells have a separate circadian rhythm that makes drugs given for asthma and pneumonia ineffective.
Long working hours can make employees smoke more cigarettes, finds a study.
Jul 28, 2014 AM EDT
Millions of children have hidden body fat and are at the risk of dying from heart diseases and diabetes, warns a study.
New research find trees in the U.S. helps prevent 850 early deaths and 670,000 cases of respiratory illnesses.
New pocket device helps detect date rape drugs mixed in your drink.
Fist bumping is better was to greet rather than shaking hands to prevent bacterial transfer, say researchers.
Just two minutes of weekly physical activity helps ward off illnesses and boosts health status of seniors, suggests a research.
The incidence of throat and anal cancer rises among men and women aged below 45, new study finds.
Jul 26, 2014 AM EDT
Babies’ risk for autism can be predicted by their ability to make eye contact, finds a research.
Study finds children start learning much before their birth.
Dentists remove 232 teeth from a 17-year old’s mouth.
Obesity increases risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, finds a study.
Walking speed helps predict the risk of dementia in older adults, finds a study.
Breathing harmful gases and particulate matter in the atmosphere can cause diabetes, according to a research.