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Jul 19, 2014 AM EDT
Women who use hormonal contraceptives have 40 percent increased chances of developing gestational diabetes, according to study.
Study reveals overweight women have food-learning impairment and hence have a different attitude towards food and eating.
Thinking positive helps ease pain and discomfort, finds a study.
Older adults who own a pet dog are healthier and live longer than their peers, according to a study.
Pot smokers may suffer mild paranoia, according to a study.
When it comes to sex, short men get more of it than their tall peers, finds a study.
Jul 18, 2014 PM EDT
Cholesterol controlling medications help improve life span of diabetic patients by averting risk of death from heart diseases and stroke, finds a study.
Scientists from the University of Chicago found the looking into the eyes of a person can help gauge his or her feelings towards us.
California tops the list of states with most physically active citizens, finds a survey.
Research identifies disparities in kidney donation between Americans from high and low-income backgrounds.
Fish oil protects alcoholics’ brain from damages and risk of memory loss, finds a study.
People feel tempted to overindulge in drinking after having alcoholic beverages mixed with energy drinks, warns a study.
Jul 17, 2014 AM EDT
Women who had miscarriages are likely to develop heart diseases in later years, finds a study.
Being overweight can reduce mortality risk in patients of heart diseases, according to study.
A mild head injury has the potential of damaging the brain and causing cognitive decline and memory loss in patients, warns a study.