4 Ways To Treat Hemorrhoids at Home
Among the countless things that slightly go wrong with the human body, one that is incredibly typical but not most of us are comfortable talking about is hemorrhoids.
Symptomatic hemorrhoids, in particular, affect about one in every 20 Americans, and about 50 percent of adults over 50 years old, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
According to a colorectal surgeon with the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus, Dr. Syed Husain, all people have hemorrhoids, and they "are normal anatomical structures."
Husain also said hemorrhoids function as "a cushion of blood vessels" humans have in around their anus, and every time they cough or sneeze or lift something heavy, the said blood vessels get inflamed and help seal the area. Indeed, the colorectal surgeon said hemorrhoids have quite an essential physiologic function in our body.
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Fill your bath with warm water and two cups of Epsom salt dissolved in it and sit on it. This remedy is a time-tested home solution to soothe the inflammation and alleviate the hemorrhoid symptoms.
4 Home Medications to Try at Home
If you too, are suffering from hemorrhoids, and the pain and irritation this condition brings are giving you a hard time, here are four home remedies that may provide the help you ease the feeling of discomfort:
1. Have a Warm Bath Using Epsom Salt
Fill your bath with warm water and two cups of Epsom salt dissolved in it and sit on it. This remedy is a time-tested home solution to soothe the inflammation and alleviate the hemorrhoid symptoms.
Experts recommend using a warm compress and applying the warmth to the affected area if you don't find this an option. It will help minimize the swelling.
2. Use Stool Softeners
Since constipation and straining to expel are common risk factors for this condition, stool softeners that make it much easier to move stool out of the body may help relieve enlarged hemorrhoids.
Because constipation and straining to defecate is a known risk factor for hemorrhoids, stool softeners that make it easier for you to move stool out of the body may help relieve enlarged hemorrhoids.
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3. Apply Witch Hazel
Witch hazel is a plant extract with astringent content. It also has a drying property and is frequently used as a facial cleanser for smoother skin and pores' shrinking.
Typically, witch hazel is frequently a component of creams, ointments, and suppositories for hemorrhoids' soothing.
Apply witch hazel in liquid form directly to the affected area. Specifically, tannins and oils found in witch hazel contain the anti-inflammatory impact on the skin that can lessen inflammation, not to mention a mild vasoconstriction effect that may slow the bleeding or shrink the tissue.
4. Use Ointments or Wipes You can Buy Over-the-Counter
Many over-the-counter creams, wipes, and ointments with ingredients are formulated to soothe the inflamed tissue already available at any drugstore and are frequently considered "first aid" for people.
These products can lubricate the affected area or result in a soothing or numbing sensation that alleviates the irritation.
Experts say, while ointments, wipes, or creams may offer temporary relief, it will not eliminate hemorrhoids.
Yes, they can relieve the irritation, but nothing can turn them into smaller hemorrhoids other than a procedure that eliminates them.
In other words, these over-the-counter products can help ease the irritation and temporarily lessen the swelling if they have "vasoconstrictors" although, they are not providing a permanent remedy.
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Check out more news and information on Hemorrhoids on MD News Daily.
Oct 09, 2020 08:20 AM EDT