10 Healthy Foods You Need to Eat Now
As you munch on those chips while snuggling your blanket on your bed, have you ever thought about the nutrients and minerals your body needs daily?
Have you asked yourself why you're always hungry?
According to Healthline, you feel this may be because what you eat lacks protein, fiber, or fat, which promotes fullness and reduce appetite.
According to Coolgate Thing, When you eat well, you feel good, and when you feel good you're happier. When you're happier you are productive, and the cycle will go on.
Here is a list of foods you can eat or add to your daily meals to ease that excessive hunger and promote an even healthier lifestyle.

ALSO READ: Avocado for Weight Loss? Know the Wonders of this Fruit
Aside from being Popeye the Sailor man's ultimate strength food, this humble, green, leafy friend are packed with nutrients and minerals your body needs.
According to Eating well, the lutein and zeaxanthin in the spinach act like big glasses on your eyes and filter blue light that can also help in lowering your risk of macular degeneration.
Its antioxidants are good for your skin and give it a healthy glow.
Eating well highlighted its Vitamin K which is needed in bone metabolism. It also promotes better blood pressure to help in improving your exercise recovery.
Black Beans
According to WebMD, Black beans are a part of the North American Diets for at least 7 thousand years.
Also known as turtle beans, the black beans are rich in antioxidants, fiber, protein, and carbohydrates. Web Md emphasized the ability of black beans to regulate blood circulation, promote eye health. Web MD also said that there are studies that a diet rich in black beans reduces the risk of cancer.
Originated in the Mediterranean region and Central Asia, Healthline emphasized its omega-3 content. According to Healthline, walnuts are rich in fat, and calories according to studies do not increase obesity risk. One fat is linoleic acid.
Apart from its bright-colored characteristic, Reader's Digest highlights the pink rounded vegetable contains a high level of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. Studies show that they help in reducing the risks of cancer. Readers Digest highlights a study showing athletes who drank beet juice mixed with little apple juice before working out reported better endurance.
Cedars Sinai highlighted the good fats these healthy green fruits possess. It is rich in fiber that can potentially prevent some kind of cancer such as colon cancer.
They also possess Satiety that helps you feel full, longer. Cedars Sinai also said that avocados help the body absorb fat-soluble nutrients like vitamins A, D, K, and E.
Dark Chocolate
According to the Harvard School of Public Health, Cocoa is rich in Flavonols that may aid in protecting the heart. They said that Dark Chocolate contains 2-3 times more flavanol-rich cocoa sweets than milk chocolate ones.
READ ALSO: Flavonols Found in Coffee and Tea, Lowers Death Risk Among Type 2 Diabetes Patients
Heal with Food said that Red raspberries are rich in ellagic acid and phytochemicals. On the other hand, Black raspberries contain many of these benefits but they also have high-level anthocyanins.
According to Medical News Today, scientists at the Medical University of South Carolina that garlic demonstrated efficacy in eradicating brain cancer. They added that this superfood can help you if you experience Hip osteoarthritis, Heart Protection, and control High blood pressure.
When life gives you lemons, don't be sad. Lemons can help improve your health just by putting it in water. According to Lifehack, it gives a boost to the immune system, an excellent source of potassium, aids in digestion, and it also keeps your skin blemish-free. Lifehack emphasized lemon's pectin fiber which aids in fighting hunger cravings.
According to Web MD, lentils when served with brown rice, can give protein the same quality as meats. Web MD added that you make your heart healthier by eating lentils instead of red meat or processed meat. They are also rich in fibers that can fill you up and lower your cholesterol and protect you against colon cancer and diabetes.
Including these 10 healthy foods can improve your health and make you less hungry than ever before. Check your pantries, you may want to include these 10 on your list next grocery shopping and try an even, healthier eating!
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Oct 26, 2020 10:30 PM EDT